When should I visit a fertility specialist?

If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, the idea of starting fertility treatment can be a scary one. It might feel like the first step down a difficult road. However, the sooner you take action, the sooner you’ll get the answers you need to find your way forward.

As the person who’s trying to get pregnant, one of your first steps will be to take an anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) test. Your AMH levels indicate how many eggs are still present in your ovaries, giving your clinician an idea of how best to approach fertility treatments.

When to seek fertility testing

This timeline depends on your age and your fertility history:

  • If you’re 35 or under, with no previous fertility difficulties, visit a doctor after a year of trying to get pregnant.

  • If you’re 36 or over, or you’re already aware of conditions that affect your fertility, visit a doctor after around six months.

Possible reasons you’re not getting pregnant

There are a vast range of reasons for which people don’t get pregnant when they initially start trying to conceive, including:

  • Age - women experience a decline in their fertility from their mid-30s onwards.

  • Blocked fallopian tubes - if your fallopian tubes are blocked, it’s far more difficult for the sperm to fertilise the egg.

  • Infertility in a partner - if you’re trying to conceive with a partner, it’s possible that they’re experiencing fertility problems.

  • Lifestyle factors - a range of factors including stress, drug & alcohol use, sleeping patterns, and exercise habits can all affect fertility.

  • Underlying medical conditions - including conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and undiagnosed STIs.

Sometimes, you simply need to better understand when you’re ovulating. Check out Flo’s ovulation calculator to get an estimation of your next fertile window.

In one-quarter of cases, doctors are unable to pin down an explanation. Even in these circumstances, reproductive healthcare providers can support you in coping with the stress of trying to conceive, and suggesting alternative paths to parenthood.

Understand your fertility with an anti-Müllerian hormone test

An anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) test measures how much AMH you have in your blood. AMH is produced in the ovaries, which is also where your eggs are stored until they’re released during ovulation. As you get older, the number of eggs in your ovaries decreases. Your AMH levels give an indication of how many eggs remain in your ovaries. The higher the levels, the more eggs remain.

It’s important to note that an AMH test can’t tell you about how healthy your eggs are, and therefore can’t tell you how easy it will be to conceive. However, it’s still a key step to take before starting fertility treatment because it helps to predict how well you’ll respond to fertility medicines.

Book your test today to begin the journey of understanding your fertility. Your clinician will be able to interpret your results with you and help you to decide what your next step will be.


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