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Miscarriage or thrombotic risk profile
Blood draw
Results 5 Days
Miscarriage or thrombotic risk profile
Why would I take this test?
Thrombosis is when a blood clot forms inside a blood vessel and obstructs the flow of blood. Thrombosis can be a cause of miscarriage, and this profile includes several new gene tests, that can show a likelihood for blood clots. Results are not conclusive but can help your GP or consultant in diagnosis.
The thrombotic risk profile is a comprehensive test on blood and blood clotting. Due to the time sensitivity of this test, please arrange an appointment time with the clinic. This enables the sample to be courier directly to the laboratory. This is because coagulation studies involve citrate samples, where blood should be double spun and separated and frozen within 4 to 8 hours of the draw.
How a test is done?
Our phlebotomist will tie a rubber band to your upper arm to make the veins more visible. They will swab to clean the arm, then a sterile needle attached to a tube is gently inserted into the vein and the blood is drawn into a vial (or vials if more than one test has been requested). Only one needle is used regardless of the number of tests or vials requested. The needle is removed, a plaster applied, and it’s done. You might get a small bruise around the needle mark.
Please wear loose clothing (for easy access to your arm) and let us know a preferred arm.
You can continue to take regular medication but check with your doctor whether any of your medications may affect test results.
It's easier to draw blood when:
you are hydrated – please drink some water, especially in hot weather and for morning blood draws
you are warm – please keep warm before the test
Fasting is not required
A non-fasting test means:
you can eat and drink as normal before the test
it’s advised not to drink alcohol before the test
you can continue to take regular medication but check with your doctor whether any of your medications may affect test results
Can I have someone with me?
Of course, if that makes you more comfortable, you may have a friend or relative accompany you during a blood test.
When will I get my results?
Results returned in 5 days
What can this test detect?
The thrombotic risk profile is a comprehensive test on blood and blood clotting and includes:
full blood count (FBC) and coagulation profile
Factor II Prothrombin gene
Factor V Leiden gene
MTHFR gene
lupus anticoagulant
protein C
free protein S antigen
anti-cardiolipin antibodies
antithrombin III
How do I get my results?
The certified laboratory report is emailed to us, and we can either:
email directly to you
email directly to you and/or to your GP. We will need your written consent to share any test results, but we will discuss this with you when you book your appointment
give it to you in person at the clinic
We highly recommend you consult with your clinician to explain test results. They can also take into account your medical history and advise you on next steps.
Further information:
NHS Miscarriage
Miscarriage Association
NCT - National Childbirth Trust